Saturday, June 1, 2013

WWYD? (Plague)

If I were in the higher ranks of politicians and controlled what the citizens did & did not know, I would definitely hide certain things from them. Like a catastrophic event that was inevitable and unavoidable, I would not inform my citizens of such information. I feel that by allowing so many people to know such horrible news, it would send them into such a chaotic state of mind. I would rather let people live their last moments in a happy space. Once people know that they are going to die they won't think about how they should be valuing this time with their family. They'll be living their lives in a sheer panic which isn't fair to them in my opinion. If it were me in the citizens position, I wouldn't want to know. I would rather go about living my life as if I am oing to continue to live for the next moments versus dying being terrified.

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